How to do?

Articles and code samples created in response to many frequently asked questions about How to do?

How to download paid images for free? How to clean watermark?

How to download paid images for free? How can I clear the watermark added on the images? Since I have heard such questions a lot, I wanted to come up with the easiest solution that anyone can do. Yes, friends, you can have free images on premium image stock sites like iStock, just like everyone else. For this, you can download your watermark image that you downloaded from iStock or other sites to and access its clean and high quality form. You can watch how it is used in the video below.

How to Use Double Tap on the Back of iPhone?

Screenshot by Touching Back of iPhone How to Buy? How to Fire a Flash by Touching the Back of iPhone? I decided to write this blog post in response to such questions. Apple product, which is a world brand; One of the features that many users do not know or realize on iPhone Phones is double and triple; It is that many operations can be performed by touching it once. Thanks to this feature, we enable us to perform any operation we routinely use faster by assigning a shortcut. How to set double tap on iPhones? Back double-tap and triple-tap on iPhones To activate the touch once features, you need to follow the steps below. Settings Accessibility Touch Back Tap Double Tap So what can be done with double tap on iPhone phones? You can activate the following features by double-tapping the back of your iPhone. System App Switcher Camera Control Center Flashlight Home Lock Rotation Lock Screen Mute Notification Center Reachability Screenshot Shake Siri Spotlight Volume Down Volume Up Accessibility AssistiveTouch Background Sounds Class Invert Color Filters Control Nearby Devices Live Captions Magnifier Smart Invert Speak Screen VoiceOver Zoom

Prepare English video content using artificial intelligence! | chatGPT

In this video tutorial, you will learn how to make English videos using artificial intelligence technologies. ChatGPT will assist you in producing quality English content using natural language processing and machine learning techniques. In addition, the artificial intelligence tools of the site will further improve and facilitate the video creation process. In this training video, English content production with ChatGPT and video production steps with the tools of will be explained in detail. Thus, you will have an idea of how artificial intelligence technologies can be used in the video creation process. This video tutorial can be helpful for anyone from any industry and can help you improve your English video creation skills. Sites used: ➤ For content text - chatGPT: ➤ For English voice over - elevenlabs:

How to activate Personal Hotspot (iPhone hotspot) on iPhone?

If you are an iPhone user and unable to share internet on your phone, you can follow the steps below to activate iPhone hotspot: Settings Cellular Cellular Data Network Enter "internet" in all the APN fields. Once this is done, you can check the settings menu, and "Personal Hotspot" will now be visible as active. Thank you for reading.